Crisis on Planet Z! is an environmental, science-fiction play for young audiences. Zephyr and their alien species the Alphabetians are celebrating 100 years of being on Planet Z when Zephyr makes a new friend and a horrifying discovery: a fuzzy Ziffle shows them how Alphabetians haven’t been ‘improving’ the planet, they have been slowly destroying it! Together, the Ziffle and Zephyr try to warn the Alphabetians, but it’s too late! The rockets are packed, and the aliens are ready to blast off to the next planet. Little do they know, there is no next planet: Planet Z is the very last planet in their solar system! Together, the Alphabetians must account for their actions, learn how to pronounce symbiosis, and find a way to save Planet Z.
Touring to school and theatres in March 2023
Creative Team
Joylyn Secunda – Actor (Zephyr/Ziffle)
Chloe Payne – Actor (Everyone else)
Dusty Hagerüd – Puppet/Set Designer
Chloe Ziner – Sound Designer
Nita Bowerman – Projection Designer
Keagan Elrick – Lighting Designer
Dayna Horn – Stage Manager
Carly Pokoradi – Co-writer/Co-director
Ryan Gladstone – Co-writer/Co-director